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rainbow kitten surprise | kitten food | cute kitten | kitten heels

rainbow kitten surprise | kitten food | cute kitten | kitten heels

rainbow kitten surprise | kitten food | cute kitten | kitten heels

rainbow kitten surprise | kitten food | cute kitten | kitten heels

rainbow kitten surprise | kitten food | cute kitten | kitten heels

What Not to Feed?

Baby food/Too Much Milk causes loose/watery feces - Raw Eggs causes hair fall & poor hair coat - Onion and Garlic damage RBC & cause anemia - Fish/ Chicken Bones can damage the teeth and cause tears in the digestive system - Chocolate affects the heart and nervous system - Uncooked meat/ human food can be inadequate or even unsafe for her

rainbow kitten surprise | kitten food | cute kitten | kitten heels

Why can't I Feed her what I Eat or Cook?

Cats require unusually high levels of protein and unique nutrients like taurine in their diets. Being obligate carnivores, cats depend on meat for the majority of their nutrients. - Home-prepared diets frequently provide inadequate nutrition for cats.

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How Much Whiskas (Dry Food) for your Cat?

 Cat's Weight (1-2 kg): 20-35 g/day Cat's Weight (2-3 kg): 35-45 g/day - Cat's Weight (3-4 kg): 45-55 g/day Cat's Weight (4-5 kg): 55-65 g/day1:560.00 vo KIS DE

rainbow kitten surprise | kitten food | cute kitten | kitten heels

Conversion Process:

Day 1-2: 25% Whiskas & 75% Home-cooked food. Day 3-4: 50% Whiskas & 50% Home-cooked food. Day 5-6: 75% Whiskas & 25% Home-cooked food. Day 7: 100% Whiskas - In case your pet does not enjoy Whiskas cat food, continue with the mixture of Whiskas and current food for a few more days.

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Storage Information:

 When you buy Whiskas cat food, make sure it is in properly sealed condition - Whiskas dry food must be stored at room temperature in an air-tight container, away from sunlight

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rainbow kitten surprise | kitten food | cute kitten | kitten heels


Wholegrain Cereals (Corn, Rice, Wheat) | Corn Gluten Meal Poultry & Poultry By-products Soy Bean Products (Full-fat Soy Bean, Soy Bean Meal) | Palm Stearin | Ocean Fish | Wheat Flour Minerals | Lodise'd Salt | Vitamins | Taurine | Soy Oil Methionine | Food Colouring Preservatives Flavour.

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It is written by Mangala: 

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Cute Kitten | rainbow kitten surprise | kitten food | real story of kitten


Cute Kitten | rainbow kitten surprise | kitten food

When a cat gives birth, how does she behave and what should be done during that time. 

Today the story is about Patlu, Today I will share with you the day when Patlu gave birth for the first time.

Like other days, that day was spent as normal. After lunch, I was lying down and using my mobile phone, it would be 2:30.Patlu is bothering me and calling me, No one can hear Patlu call except me, because Patlu can't meow meow like other cats but squeaking very slowly. At first I didn't understand why he was calling, why sometimes he calls for food when he is hungry or sometimes when he wants to be pampered, so I didn't understand why he was doing this.

Then when I looked closely I realized that something was going on in her why she was suffering so much. Then I hurriedly got up and spread a clean sheet, Lying on top of her and caressing her head, I saw that she was feeling a little better, so I had to sit and caress her. I feel so bad seeing her suffering as if I don't understand what I can do for her that will make her better. Thus the hours pass.

I'm going to go to the bathroom or to get something and he's going to jump out of bed with me and I'm scared to see him. She can't tell her pain but at the same time if I pat her head then she thinks that yes I am fine. After an hour and a half I see a bag of water coming out but can't let it out and is having so much pain that it comes out a little and puts it back in. I am suffering so much seeing this, I can feel the patlus pain, I understand how much she is suffering and I am caressing her at the same time.

Then the bag of water burst and I saw two little legs came out and the legs were completely red, As far as I know animals give birth on their own, especially dogs and cats, and here I don't know if I should pull it or not, if I pull it, I don't understand anything. How long is this going on like this Patlu is suffering and meanwhile the baby is not coming out. At the end I was forced to grab the legs that were sticking out and try to pull them slowly. Then I slowly took out the first baby.

I don't know why the baby was perfectly fine but the back legs that had gone out earlier were red and glowing from the start. And the same behavior of the patlu is suffering in the same way, that when a child is born, as other cats reward the child with a lick, doing nothing to the child. In this way patlu gave birth to three babies, then I did not have to pull out the next two, it happened by itself. But Patlu didn't do anything. I wiped the kids clean and made a cartoon for them keeping everyone together. Then I fed the babies lying on the bed, they couldn't find their mother's milk, I grabbed all of them and fed their mother's milk.

I am ending this page here, on the next page you will know what Patlu did with the children. This story that you read is not a story, it is a real story about my patlu. How did you feel about this story ? If you have any questions please comment. 

It is written by Mangala:

Cute Kitten | rainbow kitten surprise | kitten food

Tailorbird And Cat Story | Cat Story For Kids | belling the cat story | cat story


Tailorbird And Cat Story | Cat Story For Kids | belling the cat story | cat story

The story of the tuntuni (tailorbird) and the mischievous cat. It can be said that it is a story of childhood, because every child is told this story once or twice by adults. This story has been passed down through generations, our elders have heard it from their mothers, we have heard it from our mothers and grandmothers, and we are telling this story to our children. And I have presented that story through writing, I hope you will enjoy reading it.

In a village there was a cat and a tailorbird. It's time to lay the eggs of the tailorbird so she starts building her nest, And you all know that tailorbirds make their nests in brinjal trees. The cat saw the bird's nest, The cat was going to try to catch Tuntuni then suddenly thought that if I eats him then only one bird will be eaten. So now I won't eat her, if it's her kids, I'll eat one every day.

Tailorbird And Cat Story | Cat Story For Kids | belling the cat story | cat story

Saying this the cat went away and the tailor bird started building its nest. Tuntuni lays eggs, the eggs are nursed, and the cat hides from afar and watches every day and thinks when the tailor bird's babies will grow up and I will eat them. And in this way, quite a few days pass and the tailor bird baby bird grow up a little. So the cat's tongue watered and he thought to himself that today I will eat delicious soft meat. 

Now the cat sits all the time to get the trap that it will eat when it gets the chance. And after knowing the wishes of Tuntuni and the cat, he was raising his children very carefully. One day, three children were playing in the nest and one of them fell down

At this the cat went to catch him and the baby bird started running around because it had not yet learned to fly. When the cat goes to catch him, the tailor bird comes and snatches the baby bird and flies away. The next day the cat comes again and I think today I will eat baby bird. And tailorbird think to himself that until my children learn to fly, the cat must be tamed. 

Tailorbird And Cat Story | Cat Story For Kids | belling the cat story | cat story

The cat said, what are you tuntuni? Tuntuni said hello Maharani, what is my luck, I had your visit in the morning Hearing this, the cat swelled in its womb and thought that Tuntuni called me Maharani. The cat went away happy. The next day the cat came again, and thought in his mind that the children of Tuntuni will eat today

But the cat again asked what are you doing Tuntuni? Tuntuni said Namaskar Maharani. The cat said what are you doing how are your kids? ignore them, you look beautiful, your face is like a queen. The cat was happy and forgot about the food. Tuntuni wondered how long the cat would fool him like this, now he had to do something. 

He asked his children, can you fly now?" The kids said yes mom we can fly, Tuntuni said you can see that palm tree and you can fly to it? The children said yes mother we can fly so the three of them fly to that palm tree. Tuntuni was very happy and thought let's show the cat fun. 

Tailorbird And Cat Story | Cat Story For Kids | belling the cat story | cat story

The cat realized that Tuntuny was making a fool of him. Cat said such big courage is making me a fool, today I will not leave Tuntuni I will eat all of them today. The cat came and asked again what are you doing Tuntuni? Tuntuni replied, "You know what I'm doing, you mischievous cat, which is black from here." The cat turned red in anger and said that he will not leave you today. They jumped to catch them, Amni Tuntuni and her three children flew away. He could not catch Tuntuni nor could he eat his children and returned home after eating the thorns of the brinjal tree.

How did you like the story must be told in the comment box, And if you love to read stories, definitely keep an eye on the next page.

It is written by Mangala:

Moat useful item for your cat !👇

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Cat Story | Belling The Cat Story | Cat Story In English | Who Will Bell Cat Story PDF


Cat Story | Belling The Cat Story | Cat Story In English | Who Will Bell Cat Story PDF

This is the second part of Motu Patlu's story. I am sharing with you some good and bad moments spent with Motu Patlu, you will enjoy reading. It's not a story, it's a true story, you know what happened. So let's get started. cat story. 

I saved Motu Patlu and kept them at home, but I didn't think that I would plant them, I thought if they would at least learn to eat then they would stay like neighborhood cats and stay like neighborhood cats. And then I had no idea what to know and what to keep in order to take care of a cat. When I felt what I saw them, I acted like that. At first it was very difficult to feed them because they were so small. They seem to be about two weeks old, pet life care blog.

Cat Story | Belling The Cat Story | Cat Story In English | Who Will Bell Cat Story PDF

The new doffer bottles at home were the bottles used to oil a machine cycle or bike, I washed the bottle and tried to feed it by leaking the lid. But they can't eat, because what if the lid is narrow, the lid is hard so they don't want to put it in their mouth. So I bought new milk bottles from the market for them, But here too the problem was that the nipple was normal, meant for human baby milk. And the cat's mouth is small, he can't eat. I tried to feed them by force

Now Motu is my life. But in the beginning Patlu was more attractive and Patlu was very clever from the start, Motu could not be fed because Motu is very stupid. Couldn't suck milk and Patlu knows exactly what is feeding and once he takes the nipple in his mouth, she won't let it go. You may be thinking why am I telling Motu who is He and Patlu who is Shi, actually at the beginning I did not know who is who but now I know that Motu is a boy and Patlo is a girl. cat story.

Anyway, this is how they learned to drink milk from a bottle. After two weeks I started giving milk in a small plate, At first he could not eat once or twice but after forcing his mouth into milk he started eating. I made a bed for them to sleep in that night, but they didn't sleep there. Both will sleep in my bed. In the beginning, Motu's habit was to sleep sitting at the feet and Patlu sleeping sitting on top of the human body, The Motu habits have changed but the Patlu habits still remain. A month passed like this.

Cat Story | Belling The Cat Story | Cat Story In English | Who Will Bell Cat Story PDF

One day I brought a packet of ready-made cat food To try they will eat or not, if they do, I will bring it again later. I was surprised to see that they were playing in the drawing room and I cut the packet in the kitchen, they came running to the kitchen after smelling it and looking for if there is any food to eat. And the two of them are eating like this, we are crazy with laughter. They licked the plate completely empty in seconds. 

Many days passed like this, they learned to eat, learned to do everything, but I fell in love with them so much that I could not think of leaving them. And not just me and all the members of my family, I mean everyone has loved them so much that no one can think of leaving them. 

The rainy season has started. Hey during the monsoon we have a lot of leeches here, The problem is that Motu Patlu started bringing in leeches from outside. Then they grew up and used to go outside and when they went outside the leeches would catch them and they would come to the leech-purified house. And I couldn't get over it, sometimes it's caught in the eyes, sometimes it's caught in the mouth, sometimes it's caught in the nose, there's leeches all around. 

Cat Story | Belling The Cat Story | Cat Story In English | Who Will Bell Cat Story PDF

Then I started tying both of them. This time was really hard for them and for me, It felt so bad but there was no way. I used to keep them in the same place all day, there was food, there was water, there was a place for toilet. Sometimes when it wasn't raining, I would go out with it and bring it back. 

In this way, they had grown up so much that I still did not know who was a boy and who was a girl? I thought Motu was a girl because Motu looked so beautiful that I knew Motu was a girl. Then from one day a boy cat started coming outside the house everyday and also started calling everyday. And Motu was very afraid, Motu is already afraid of everyone. Patlur usage changed, cat story.

Patlu himself kept following the boy cat and moving in front of him, I myself did not understand what was going on. Because Patlu was not even big enough to have intercourse then, but Patlu started to behave like that. Then after some time passed, I realized that Patlur was pregnant by looking at Patlur's stomach. Then came the day of patlur giving birth. 

The story of that day won't last in one page so I'll tell it separately if you want to know definitely keep an eye on the next page.

It is written by Mangala:

Moat useful item for your cat !👇

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People Have Misconceptions About Cats | What To Know Before Adopting A Cat


People Have Misconceptions About Cats | What To Know Before Adopting A Cat

Today we will know how many misconceptions people have about cats, What kind of misconception is what and why is this misconception. I am a Bengali and what I am going to tell you is completely what happens in our Bengali society. Every society has some misconceptions about cats but it may be different in different society. 

1 What To Know Before Adopting A Cat:

It's not a one-day thing, it's an ancestral idea, so ever since I was a kid, I've heard that having a cat in the house is a bad thing. It is said that cats curse those who pet them. So everyone says, keep dogs but don't keep cats. A beautiful story has also been made about this. It is said that a dog wishes for the prosperity of its owner and a cat wishes for the loss of its owner. How to care a cat.

People Have Misconceptions About Cats | What To Know Before Adopting A Cat

2 Dogs Are GOOD, Cats Are Bad:

The dog wishes and says, "O God, give my master much prosperity so that my master can feed me well." And the cat prays to God saying, "O God, blind my owner so that I can eat his food." So this kind of ghostly idea is still there among people but I don't accept it. What to do before adopting a cat.

3 Big Misconception:

It is considered very inauspicious if a cat crosses the road while going somewhere. And if it is a black cat, then no matter how much useful work there is, the person will not leave the house that day, he will come back home. Well, say a neighborhood cat that wanders around the neighborhood and eats, then why should I consider that to be unlucky? It's a common thing that people don't realize and just carry a misconception.

People Have Misconceptions About Cats | What To Know Before Adopting A Cat

4 People Are Don't Know The Truth:

If a cat barks around the house for a long time, it is also said to be inauspicious. And this so-called misconception is a very big misconception. It is said that if the cat continues to call like this for a long time, it will bring news of death. But what I have seen in my experience, Male cats call to approach female cats in order to form a mating relationship. And I have seen it happen more than once, that my house cat is called by the neighbor's cat

5 Have To Think:

Imagine a cat who is not your pet but lives somewhere in your house and suddenly one day he left your house and went to live somewhere else, In that case also it is called inauspicious. It is said that some big danger is about to happen in your house that is why the cat has left your house in advance. Think I didn't reach the cat, I didn't feed him, I didn't take care of him, he was in my house by himself He might have found a better place to stay where he can eat and be taken care of so he has gone there so why should I think that there is danger in my house? 

6 I Don't Agree:

There is a good idea about cats. It is said that if an unknown cat suddenly comes to your house and gives birth, it is very auspicious. It is said that if you have any obstacle, it will be completed or some good news will come. I have told you that these are the major misconceptions, and there are many other small ones. Anyway, at least humans have a good thinking about cats. 

I do not subscribe to any of these misconceptions. When I adapted Motu Patlu (motu patlu my pet cat) my neighbors told me many things but I didn't listen to anyone. What kind of thinking you have about cats must be written in the comment box. What to know before adopting a cat

It is written by Mangala:

People Have Misconceptions About Cats | What To Know Before Adopting A Cat

Moat useful item for your cat !👇

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Bonus Tips:

  1. What not to do with kittens?

It should not be done all the time by putting your hands on your kitten or picking it up in your lap.

      2. Will a kitten cry?

Yes, they cry when they are hungry or in trouble.

     3. Do kitten cry their first night?

No, there is no such thing, if his mother is with him, then why would he cry.

    4. How many times should I feed my kitten?

Best to feed every two hours.

     5. Do cats know their name?

If you always called by his name from childhood, he will understand that it is his name.

(I have two cats and their names Motu and Patlu and they understand if I call them by name.)

Stories About Kittens | Short Story About A Cat | Cat Person Short Story | cute kitten


stories about kittens  | short story about a cat | cat person short story

stories about kittens, three years ago I have 2 kittens. kitten feeding guide , how did I got it, in what condition did I got it, and what did I do after getting it. Today I  will share all these things with you guys, so that you too find an easy way to raise your cat. New kitten care.

This thing is not for 3 years ago, it is even before that. There was a cat from our village which always used to come to my house and used to eat whatever was available and to go away. It was just going like this. Then one day suddenly he came to our house with his four kittens. I have lot of attachment to animals from the beginning and especially look kitten, puppy's and birds small baby. So that's why I didn't say anything she brought her kittens. He started living at our house. But yes, I did not  start raising them. She used to give just a little bit of food, milk, etc. whatever was available. 

By doing this, the kittens that were there grown up. He also become the cat of the village. But most of the them started living near our house. Then they also gave kittens at different places. A cat had given birth to in our neighbors house, so there house start contraction work, so she was looking for a place to keep her baby in another place. So she was walking around with her baby in her mouth and then my eyes fell on her. I cant tell, I fell in love with her kitten so much that I thought I had to adopt this kitten. pet life care blog.

stories about kittens  | short story about a cat | cat person short story

 The woods etc., which we born at the time of cooking food, were kept and under that she started living there with her kittens of two. And this was the same cat who has been very scared since childhood and dos not go too close to humans. It was seen that when these kittens used to live in our house in their childhood, Even if I used to give them something to eat, she would not even come near me. She has all three siblings they used to eat everything but she did not come when I used to go away then she used to come and eat. and shies started living here with her two kittens. Whatever it is, I had thought that I need this kitty to raise, that's why one day when this cat went out to find food, at that time I was trying to withdraw the kitten. But it was kept so deep inside that it was not possible to take all the wood down and put it back. Then I started thinking somewhere the cat has just come, so I left it there, thought lets go for a few days.

That time it was summer season and the place she had taken the baby kittens, there is direct sunlight it falls there and it is very hot. I thought that how she survives with her baby's. But I could not even do anything because she was living herself with her kittens. So a week passed just like that. It is matter of 2 days after festival of Holi, on March 29, I woke up in the morning like everyday, washed up, got ready and then went out of the house to go to the market. And as soon as I came out a smell started coming to me. I started looking here and there, I don't know from where it has stopped,  I could not understand anything, so went straight away, for the market. And win I come back from the market, I again stated looking her and there where is the smell coming from?

stories about kittens  | short story about a cat | cat person short story

While searching like this, when I went near the woods, the stench started getting stronger. Then I understood that something must have happened to the cats. Then I quickly stared throwing down the wooden sticks and after many attempts, when I looked, I saw that the mother cat was dead and the condition of the kittens was also very bad. First of all, I took out the mother cat and dot her thrown in the forests far away, because the foul smell was coming from her, I don't know, maybe she had died 2 days ago. pet life care blog.

Then I took out both the kittens as well. The condition was so bad his eyes were closet, his eyes were full of whit- whit something, lala was coming out of the mouth. Throat was completely dry. The condition was very bad. To be honest, I was feeling very hatred. Because I had seen from a distance. I never touched them. But I was feeling disgusted, but I also feeling so much pity and so much love that I could not understand what should I do for them.

stories about kittens  | short story about a cat | cat person short story

First bathed both of them thoroughly with soap and Dettol. Than I put them in a small cardboard box wrapped in cloth. They have never been touched by humans before so they are very afraid of being touched by humans. After leaving them, I went to the market again, and went to the place where the vet was sitting. That day doctor didn't come, so I went to the pharmacy and I told them everything and they gave me some medicine and said it work, if not then take it too the doctor. Back home first I fed them milk then gave them medicine and gave them eye medicine and like this I continued feeding them medicine and eye medicine four to five times throughout the day. That day I didn't eat anything for the whole day because honestly I couldn't eat because of the small. However, I didn't have to take them to the doctor anymore, I took the medicine that I got from the pharmacy and they were completely cured.

Its been three years with them now they're not just cats they're my babies and now I don't hate them anymore I feel like putting my face in their mouth and kiss them. Today I end it here, on the next page, you will know what happened next, what other problems I had to face or what good moments I spent with them, so keep an eye on the next page.

it is written by Mangala:

I am attaching some photos so you can reminisce about those times.

stories about kittens  | short story about a cat | cat person short story

Bonus Tips:

1. How to care newborn kitten?

Keep kitten warm.

2. What to feed a newborn kitten?

provide with adequate hydration and nutrition.

3. How to keep a newborn kitten?

keep kitten clean.

4. How to use with newborn kitten?

Provide socialization with people and with foster mater.

5. How to take care of a newborn kitten?

Do your best to protect them from infections disease.

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Bloghow To Care Parrot At Home | Parrot Care Guide


bloghow to care parrot at home | parrot care guide

If you want to keep parrots, then before that you should take care of some things parrot care guide. Like what kind of environment they have to be kept in, what should be their cage.  How to deal with them, etc.? Along with this, tips have been told.  If you follow these things then you can easily raise your parrot.

1 Information:

Before bringing the parrot home, you should prepare some things in advance. First of all you have to get a cage for them. By the way, you will bring your own cage according to the house, but try to get a slightly bigger size. If your parrot has to remain in the cage for 24 hours, then if it is of a large size, then it can walk and spread its wings.  It will be easy for them to do all this.  He will be happy. Second thing, take good information about the material of the cage. So that there is no harm in their body due to their fall. pet life care blog.

2 Important:

In advance you have to think at which place in your house you are going to keep them. Because able animals are very party cooler in their living. If you keep changing their place again and again, then they will start having mental problems. Apart from this, by closing the doors and windows of your house for some time during the day, let them spend time outside the cage. This will do two things.  Firstly, his mentality will be right.  Second, he will start to understand the environment of your home as his own.  He will get used to it.  What is after will not fly away.

bloghow to care parrot at home | parrot care guide

3 Attention:

A lot of attention has to be paid to their food. When these parrot live in the open or in the jungle, they keep eating one thing or the other throughout the day, so if we are keeping them captive, then we will have to set a timing for their food.  Accordingly, they will have to be fed .In the beginning, you have to take care of this thing yourself.  Gradually, when your parrot will get used to your home, then he himself will make you understand by his actions that he is hungry, he should eat.

4 Food and water:

Don't give the same food for the whole day.  Will keep slightly different types of food so that he will feed them in turn throughout the day. If you are now feeding homemade, then try it.  Apart from this, many types are available in the market for fresh feeding, so I am leaving some links at the bottom of this page.  You can buy whatever is there. Because when parrot live outside, they eat different things, such as small insects like bees and many other types of insects, whose different nutrition goes into their body, so they eat such food.  They should be fed so that their body gets nutrition.

bloghow to care parrot at home | parrot care guide

5 Care of:

Always keep water near them and give water by changing it two to three times a day. Use filtered water only. If you don't bring them yourself, then after leaving a day or two, give them water in a vessel of slightly bigger size so that whatever is in it can bathe itself. Hey are completely covered with feathers, that's why their body remains very warm, so that's why they should not come timely. You must have also seen the butt taking bath many times because when these people live outside, wherever they get water like bath, these people take bath many times a day.  They enjoy it a lot by applying it in this way.

6 Spend time:

Spend time with them as much as you can.  What's the use of this, the warning you have with them will keep on getting stronger.  A very good friendship will be formed with you. It does not mean that you should pick them up in your hands and press them.  Do that  Don't do this.  Let them stay in the cage, but talk to them consistently, there are different types of antics.  Look at him and see what he is liking.  Which one is taking, not taking.  Do this type of behavior with them all the time. Parrot also learns to speak like humans.  If you are now bringing small parrots and you spend time with them everyday and talk to them, then to some extent they learn to talk too. So for this you have to spend time with them.

 Have to talk.  If those parrot don't learn after going, then just throw what you brought in the corner of your house and you will speak.  That's just like this, you will remain like a jungle, won't it, on the contrary, they will start feeling suffocated.  The only take of finding deception in him is that now we have got a chance to come and fly away. When he becomes friends with you, then he will automatically connect with you very well.  He will start considering you as one of his own.  Then he will not want to leave you and go anywhere, then you have to do this thing.  If you want to come, learn to spell correctly. These were some of the things I am sure about raising a parrot.  You will doit very well.  If you have already got a parrot or are thinking about getting one, then I wish you all the best. pet life care blog

bloghow to care parrot at home | parrot care guide

It is written by Mangala:










Easy Care Aquarium Fish | How Care Aquarium Fish


easy care aquarium fish | how care aquarium fish

If a beautiful aquarium of colorful fishes is kept in the drawing room,  easy care aquarium fish  then the atmosphere becomes alive. Keeping an aquarium at home is not just a hobby, but now it has become a common practice.

1 Aquarium:

Many times people are apprehensive about keeping an aquarium or keeping fishes at home. They feel that keeping an aquarium is not good in terms of Vastu and the happiness and prosperity of the house. But trusting the myth will deprive you of fulfilling your hobby. If you want to keep an aquarium at home, then it is necessary to overcome the apprehensions. It is nice to see colorful fishes in the aquarium. But due to various apprehensions, many people shy away from keeping an aquarium in their home.

2 Maintenance: 

 There is a common misconception that maintaining a fish tank is very expensive. This is not correct. In fact, the bigger the aquarium, the easier it is to maintain. In the initial stages, you can start with a small aquarium.  The maintenance of fresh water fish is very easy and it is also not very expensive. Over time, when you become experienced and unwedgeable, you can switch to larger aquarium. pet life care blog

3 Fresh water and filter:

Fish living in fresh water adapt easily to new conditions. Talking about the maintenance of a fresh water tank, it is important to take care of fish food, adequate lighting and filtering. And the cost of these things is very less. Filter are also easily available according to the size of the aquarium, I am leaving some links below this peg you can buy from there.

4 Change :

 Many people think that changing the aquarium water every day is a huge hassle. While this should not be done, because changing the water everyday can kill the fishes. The bacteria present in the water are helpful in keeping the fish alive. Therefore the water in the tank should not be changed completely. Change only 10-20 percent of the water once a week. If there is a filtration system, then up to 30-50 percent of the water can be changed in an interval of one month.

5 Keep in mind:

In the end, I would like to say something. Everyone starts some or the other work for hobby. But after a few days they get upset leave veering. And this is said by those who start their hobby after seeing others. If you want to keep an aquarium for your hobby, then course you can start. It takes both expenses and time to raise any animal and birds, but the one who has interest will do the same. pet life care blog

It is written by Mangala:

Moat useful item for your aquarium

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What Not to Feed? Baby food /Too Much Milk causes loose/watery feces - Raw Eggs causes hair fall & poor hair coa t - Onion and Garlic ...