
Cute Kitten | rainbow kitten surprise | kitten food | real story of kitten


Cute Kitten | rainbow kitten surprise | kitten food

When a cat gives birth, how does she behave and what should be done during that time. 

Today the story is about Patlu, Today I will share with you the day when Patlu gave birth for the first time.

Like other days, that day was spent as normal. After lunch, I was lying down and using my mobile phone, it would be 2:30.Patlu is bothering me and calling me, No one can hear Patlu call except me, because Patlu can't meow meow like other cats but squeaking very slowly. At first I didn't understand why he was calling, why sometimes he calls for food when he is hungry or sometimes when he wants to be pampered, so I didn't understand why he was doing this.

Then when I looked closely I realized that something was going on in her why she was suffering so much. Then I hurriedly got up and spread a clean sheet, Lying on top of her and caressing her head, I saw that she was feeling a little better, so I had to sit and caress her. I feel so bad seeing her suffering as if I don't understand what I can do for her that will make her better. Thus the hours pass.

I'm going to go to the bathroom or to get something and he's going to jump out of bed with me and I'm scared to see him. She can't tell her pain but at the same time if I pat her head then she thinks that yes I am fine. After an hour and a half I see a bag of water coming out but can't let it out and is having so much pain that it comes out a little and puts it back in. I am suffering so much seeing this, I can feel the patlus pain, I understand how much she is suffering and I am caressing her at the same time.

Then the bag of water burst and I saw two little legs came out and the legs were completely red, As far as I know animals give birth on their own, especially dogs and cats, and here I don't know if I should pull it or not, if I pull it, I don't understand anything. How long is this going on like this Patlu is suffering and meanwhile the baby is not coming out. At the end I was forced to grab the legs that were sticking out and try to pull them slowly. Then I slowly took out the first baby.

I don't know why the baby was perfectly fine but the back legs that had gone out earlier were red and glowing from the start. And the same behavior of the patlu is suffering in the same way, that when a child is born, as other cats reward the child with a lick, doing nothing to the child. In this way patlu gave birth to three babies, then I did not have to pull out the next two, it happened by itself. But Patlu didn't do anything. I wiped the kids clean and made a cartoon for them keeping everyone together. Then I fed the babies lying on the bed, they couldn't find their mother's milk, I grabbed all of them and fed their mother's milk.

I am ending this page here, on the next page you will know what Patlu did with the children. This story that you read is not a story, it is a real story about my patlu. How did you feel about this story ? If you have any questions please comment. 

It is written by Mangala:

Cute Kitten | rainbow kitten surprise | kitten food

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