
People Have Misconceptions About Cats | What To Know Before Adopting A Cat


People Have Misconceptions About Cats | What To Know Before Adopting A Cat

Today we will know how many misconceptions people have about cats, What kind of misconception is what and why is this misconception. I am a Bengali and what I am going to tell you is completely what happens in our Bengali society. Every society has some misconceptions about cats but it may be different in different society. 

1 What To Know Before Adopting A Cat:

It's not a one-day thing, it's an ancestral idea, so ever since I was a kid, I've heard that having a cat in the house is a bad thing. It is said that cats curse those who pet them. So everyone says, keep dogs but don't keep cats. A beautiful story has also been made about this. It is said that a dog wishes for the prosperity of its owner and a cat wishes for the loss of its owner. How to care a cat.

People Have Misconceptions About Cats | What To Know Before Adopting A Cat

2 Dogs Are GOOD, Cats Are Bad:

The dog wishes and says, "O God, give my master much prosperity so that my master can feed me well." And the cat prays to God saying, "O God, blind my owner so that I can eat his food." So this kind of ghostly idea is still there among people but I don't accept it. What to do before adopting a cat.

3 Big Misconception:

It is considered very inauspicious if a cat crosses the road while going somewhere. And if it is a black cat, then no matter how much useful work there is, the person will not leave the house that day, he will come back home. Well, say a neighborhood cat that wanders around the neighborhood and eats, then why should I consider that to be unlucky? It's a common thing that people don't realize and just carry a misconception.

People Have Misconceptions About Cats | What To Know Before Adopting A Cat

4 People Are Don't Know The Truth:

If a cat barks around the house for a long time, it is also said to be inauspicious. And this so-called misconception is a very big misconception. It is said that if the cat continues to call like this for a long time, it will bring news of death. But what I have seen in my experience, Male cats call to approach female cats in order to form a mating relationship. And I have seen it happen more than once, that my house cat is called by the neighbor's cat

5 Have To Think:

Imagine a cat who is not your pet but lives somewhere in your house and suddenly one day he left your house and went to live somewhere else, In that case also it is called inauspicious. It is said that some big danger is about to happen in your house that is why the cat has left your house in advance. Think I didn't reach the cat, I didn't feed him, I didn't take care of him, he was in my house by himself He might have found a better place to stay where he can eat and be taken care of so he has gone there so why should I think that there is danger in my house? 

6 I Don't Agree:

There is a good idea about cats. It is said that if an unknown cat suddenly comes to your house and gives birth, it is very auspicious. It is said that if you have any obstacle, it will be completed or some good news will come. I have told you that these are the major misconceptions, and there are many other small ones. Anyway, at least humans have a good thinking about cats. 

I do not subscribe to any of these misconceptions. When I adapted Motu Patlu (motu patlu my pet cat) my neighbors told me many things but I didn't listen to anyone. What kind of thinking you have about cats must be written in the comment box. What to know before adopting a cat

It is written by Mangala:

People Have Misconceptions About Cats | What To Know Before Adopting A Cat

Moat useful item for your cat !👇

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Bonus Tips:

  1. What not to do with kittens?

It should not be done all the time by putting your hands on your kitten or picking it up in your lap.

      2. Will a kitten cry?

Yes, they cry when they are hungry or in trouble.

     3. Do kitten cry their first night?

No, there is no such thing, if his mother is with him, then why would he cry.

    4. How many times should I feed my kitten?

Best to feed every two hours.

     5. Do cats know their name?

If you always called by his name from childhood, he will understand that it is his name.

(I have two cats and their names Motu and Patlu and they understand if I call them by name.)

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