
Tailorbird And Cat Story | Cat Story For Kids | belling the cat story | cat story


Tailorbird And Cat Story | Cat Story For Kids | belling the cat story | cat story

The story of the tuntuni (tailorbird) and the mischievous cat. It can be said that it is a story of childhood, because every child is told this story once or twice by adults. This story has been passed down through generations, our elders have heard it from their mothers, we have heard it from our mothers and grandmothers, and we are telling this story to our children. And I have presented that story through writing, I hope you will enjoy reading it.

In a village there was a cat and a tailorbird. It's time to lay the eggs of the tailorbird so she starts building her nest, And you all know that tailorbirds make their nests in brinjal trees. The cat saw the bird's nest, The cat was going to try to catch Tuntuni then suddenly thought that if I eats him then only one bird will be eaten. So now I won't eat her, if it's her kids, I'll eat one every day.

Tailorbird And Cat Story | Cat Story For Kids | belling the cat story | cat story

Saying this the cat went away and the tailor bird started building its nest. Tuntuni lays eggs, the eggs are nursed, and the cat hides from afar and watches every day and thinks when the tailor bird's babies will grow up and I will eat them. And in this way, quite a few days pass and the tailor bird baby bird grow up a little. So the cat's tongue watered and he thought to himself that today I will eat delicious soft meat. 

Now the cat sits all the time to get the trap that it will eat when it gets the chance. And after knowing the wishes of Tuntuni and the cat, he was raising his children very carefully. One day, three children were playing in the nest and one of them fell down

At this the cat went to catch him and the baby bird started running around because it had not yet learned to fly. When the cat goes to catch him, the tailor bird comes and snatches the baby bird and flies away. The next day the cat comes again and I think today I will eat baby bird. And tailorbird think to himself that until my children learn to fly, the cat must be tamed. 

Tailorbird And Cat Story | Cat Story For Kids | belling the cat story | cat story

The cat said, what are you tuntuni? Tuntuni said hello Maharani, what is my luck, I had your visit in the morning Hearing this, the cat swelled in its womb and thought that Tuntuni called me Maharani. The cat went away happy. The next day the cat came again, and thought in his mind that the children of Tuntuni will eat today

But the cat again asked what are you doing Tuntuni? Tuntuni said Namaskar Maharani. The cat said what are you doing how are your kids? ignore them, you look beautiful, your face is like a queen. The cat was happy and forgot about the food. Tuntuni wondered how long the cat would fool him like this, now he had to do something. 

He asked his children, can you fly now?" The kids said yes mom we can fly, Tuntuni said you can see that palm tree and you can fly to it? The children said yes mother we can fly so the three of them fly to that palm tree. Tuntuni was very happy and thought let's show the cat fun. 

Tailorbird And Cat Story | Cat Story For Kids | belling the cat story | cat story

The cat realized that Tuntuny was making a fool of him. Cat said such big courage is making me a fool, today I will not leave Tuntuni I will eat all of them today. The cat came and asked again what are you doing Tuntuni? Tuntuni replied, "You know what I'm doing, you mischievous cat, which is black from here." The cat turned red in anger and said that he will not leave you today. They jumped to catch them, Amni Tuntuni and her three children flew away. He could not catch Tuntuni nor could he eat his children and returned home after eating the thorns of the brinjal tree.

How did you like the story must be told in the comment box, And if you love to read stories, definitely keep an eye on the next page.

It is written by Mangala:

Moat useful item for your cat !👇

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