
Stories About Kittens | Short Story About A Cat | Cat Person Short Story | cute kitten


stories about kittens  | short story about a cat | cat person short story

stories about kittens, three years ago I have 2 kittens. kitten feeding guide , how did I got it, in what condition did I got it, and what did I do after getting it. Today I  will share all these things with you guys, so that you too find an easy way to raise your cat. New kitten care.

This thing is not for 3 years ago, it is even before that. There was a cat from our village which always used to come to my house and used to eat whatever was available and to go away. It was just going like this. Then one day suddenly he came to our house with his four kittens. I have lot of attachment to animals from the beginning and especially look kitten, puppy's and birds small baby. So that's why I didn't say anything she brought her kittens. He started living at our house. But yes, I did not  start raising them. She used to give just a little bit of food, milk, etc. whatever was available. 

By doing this, the kittens that were there grown up. He also become the cat of the village. But most of the them started living near our house. Then they also gave kittens at different places. A cat had given birth to in our neighbors house, so there house start contraction work, so she was looking for a place to keep her baby in another place. So she was walking around with her baby in her mouth and then my eyes fell on her. I cant tell, I fell in love with her kitten so much that I thought I had to adopt this kitten. pet life care blog.

stories about kittens  | short story about a cat | cat person short story

 The woods etc., which we born at the time of cooking food, were kept and under that she started living there with her kittens of two. And this was the same cat who has been very scared since childhood and dos not go too close to humans. It was seen that when these kittens used to live in our house in their childhood, Even if I used to give them something to eat, she would not even come near me. She has all three siblings they used to eat everything but she did not come when I used to go away then she used to come and eat. and shies started living here with her two kittens. Whatever it is, I had thought that I need this kitty to raise, that's why one day when this cat went out to find food, at that time I was trying to withdraw the kitten. But it was kept so deep inside that it was not possible to take all the wood down and put it back. Then I started thinking somewhere the cat has just come, so I left it there, thought lets go for a few days.

That time it was summer season and the place she had taken the baby kittens, there is direct sunlight it falls there and it is very hot. I thought that how she survives with her baby's. But I could not even do anything because she was living herself with her kittens. So a week passed just like that. It is matter of 2 days after festival of Holi, on March 29, I woke up in the morning like everyday, washed up, got ready and then went out of the house to go to the market. And as soon as I came out a smell started coming to me. I started looking here and there, I don't know from where it has stopped,  I could not understand anything, so went straight away, for the market. And win I come back from the market, I again stated looking her and there where is the smell coming from?

stories about kittens  | short story about a cat | cat person short story

While searching like this, when I went near the woods, the stench started getting stronger. Then I understood that something must have happened to the cats. Then I quickly stared throwing down the wooden sticks and after many attempts, when I looked, I saw that the mother cat was dead and the condition of the kittens was also very bad. First of all, I took out the mother cat and dot her thrown in the forests far away, because the foul smell was coming from her, I don't know, maybe she had died 2 days ago. pet life care blog.

Then I took out both the kittens as well. The condition was so bad his eyes were closet, his eyes were full of whit- whit something, lala was coming out of the mouth. Throat was completely dry. The condition was very bad. To be honest, I was feeling very hatred. Because I had seen from a distance. I never touched them. But I was feeling disgusted, but I also feeling so much pity and so much love that I could not understand what should I do for them.

stories about kittens  | short story about a cat | cat person short story

First bathed both of them thoroughly with soap and Dettol. Than I put them in a small cardboard box wrapped in cloth. They have never been touched by humans before so they are very afraid of being touched by humans. After leaving them, I went to the market again, and went to the place where the vet was sitting. That day doctor didn't come, so I went to the pharmacy and I told them everything and they gave me some medicine and said it work, if not then take it too the doctor. Back home first I fed them milk then gave them medicine and gave them eye medicine and like this I continued feeding them medicine and eye medicine four to five times throughout the day. That day I didn't eat anything for the whole day because honestly I couldn't eat because of the small. However, I didn't have to take them to the doctor anymore, I took the medicine that I got from the pharmacy and they were completely cured.

Its been three years with them now they're not just cats they're my babies and now I don't hate them anymore I feel like putting my face in their mouth and kiss them. Today I end it here, on the next page, you will know what happened next, what other problems I had to face or what good moments I spent with them, so keep an eye on the next page.

it is written by Mangala:

I am attaching some photos so you can reminisce about those times.

stories about kittens  | short story about a cat | cat person short story

Bonus Tips:

1. How to care newborn kitten?

Keep kitten warm.

2. What to feed a newborn kitten?

provide with adequate hydration and nutrition.

3. How to keep a newborn kitten?

keep kitten clean.

4. How to use with newborn kitten?

Provide socialization with people and with foster mater.

5. How to take care of a newborn kitten?

Do your best to protect them from infections disease.

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