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                                { How To Take Care Of Your Dog: Complete Information}

Dogs of indigenous breeds roaming in the streets and streets, which we count in the category of stray animals, how to care dog are the best as pets in terms of local environment and environment.  Because their disease resistance is better than foreign breed dogs, but people see them with inferiority complex.  While these loyalists can be adopted and given a place in the house.  This will also take good care of them and the name of this dumb person will also be cut from the list of stray animals.

1 Best Frind :

 For centuries the dog has been considered man's best friend. It is also true that when these dogs mixed with the human species become aggressive, they become a threat to humans.  In most cases, this situation comes when they come under the category of stray dogs.  When domesticated, they are seen as members of the household, whereas when stray, these dogs are seen with hatred.  According to the State Animal Cruelty Prevention Committee, these dogs of indigenous breed are considered better than foreign breeds when domesticated in the local environment.  Just as people consider it their pride to keep hybrid and cross-breeding foreign dogs, in the same way, dogs of indigenous breeds called street dogs can also be improved with good care and training.

 Killing stray dogs is not the solution to the problem.  They cannot even be killed under the rules.  It comes under the category of crime.  Therefore, there is also a solution to the problem that people who are fond of keeping dogs should adopt street dogs.  This will reduce the number of stray dogs.  Vaccination can prevent the dangers of diseases caused by dog ​​bites, but people are not aware of this.  NGOs can help in this work. pet life care blog .


2 Desi Dogs :

 Desi dogs prove to be better than foreign dogs.  Their biggest feature is that they are intelligent as well as loyal.  Their life span is more than foreign dogs and they easily adapt to every environment.  Their memory is very sharp, once they see someone, they do not forget them quickly.  Not only this, they have less diseases than foreign dogs and their immunity is very high.  The capacity to learn is also very high in them.  At the same time, foreign dogs are not able to feel comfortable in every environment.  Also, special care has to be taken for their maintenance.


 3 Specialty :

If we talk about indigenous dogs, then due to lack of interest of the people, their breed could not be developed much.  However, the Rampur Hound is considered to be the best breed of country dog.  It is said that the earlier kings used to keep this dog because it was not only loyal but it was very tall and tall.  Although they are of single body, but there is no addition to it in agility.  They run very fast and this breed is considered very good for hunting.  They are also masters in long jump.  Although dogs of this breed are now rarely found

Rajaprakasam Dog- Dogs of this breed are now almost extinct.  These are rarely seen.  Dogs of this breed are considered very loyal and affectionate.

4 Commonly :

Indian Parai Dog - Dogs of this breed are most commonly found in indigenous dogs. They are also called the breed of street dog. These are mostly found on the streets and roads. Their immunity is considered very good. Their special thing is that if they are left anywhere, they come back to their place in a few days.

Kanni Dog- Dogs of this breed are considered very clever. Their body is very stout. You can also keep them as your protector.

 Kombi Dog- These dogs are considered very powerful. Also, they are very aggressive and ferocious.  Along with this, there is a lot of activity in them.

Chippy Parai Dog- These dogs are considered very loyal, with this they like to be independent.  Its height is around 65 cm. Dogs of this breed are also found in very small numbers now.

 5 Why should adopt  a county dog?

Thanks to PM Narendra Modi, due to which the country is again turning towards its dogs, which is a very good thing in itself.  A few months ago, in his Mann Ki Baat program, he urged the country's security agencies like the Narcotics Control Bureau (NCB) to use native breed dogs instead of foreign breeds in their dog squad, taking forward the message of self-reliance. Following this advice, NCB recruited indigenous dogs in its army. pet life care blog .

6 Important tips : 

It is a very important decision which should be followed by all the citizens who keep dogs in the country.  Money-making racket is being run in the trade of dogs of foreign breeds like Alsatian and Labrador, in which male dogs are mated with their mother or her sister only, so that the puppies born are sold at expensive prices.  Such incest breeding gives birth to physical weakness in new generations.

In contrast, our domesticated dogs are a robust mix of several local breeds that live with us as healthy, loyal and loving companions.

It was written by: Mangala

dog care tips

( Pet Life Care Blog) 

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