
How To Tack Care Of An Aquarium | Aquarium Tips For Beginners


how to tack care of an aquarium | aquarium tips for beginners

 Keeping an aquarium at home is considered auspicious from the point of view of vastu, but do you know how to tack care of an aquarium ?

1 Vastu Defects :

Keeping a fish aquarium in the house is considered very auspicious from the point of view of vastu. This not only removes the vastu defects of the house, but it also looks very beautiful. There are many people who want to keep it at home, but when they hear about it from people, they get nervous and questions arise in their mind that will they be able to care so much, if the fishes die due to their carelessness. So and the result of that is that they change the idea of keeping an aquarium. Today we are telling you some special tips to keep aquarium at home. pet life care blog .

2 Aquarium :

Fish aquarium water should not be changed daily. Fish can die from this. If your aquarium does not have a filter system, then only 10-20 percent of its water should be changed. If your aquarium is fitted with a filter, then you can change 30-35 percent of the aquarium water at an interval of one month.

3 Cool-Cool :

Water bacteria help the fish to survive in the water, a complete water change can harm the fish. Home will remain cool, cool-cool in summers often people keep catfish, they say that it eats other fish and their abandoned dirt. While in fact doing so can be unhealthy for any fish. If algae builds up in the tank, scrape it off. No fish can keep their tank neat and clean. Therefore it is almost impossible for one catfish to keep your tank clean.

4 Smart Home :

Never buy a small tank. It is very difficult to keep fish in a small tank, the mortality rate of the fish living in it is high. While cleaning a large tank is easy and the fish also get enough space to roam in it.  Smart home smart manager fish need enough oxygen to breathe. The waste they release into the water can harm them. That's why changing the water at regular intervals is a sufficient option for their life.

5 Environment :

The fish sold in the shop are grown inside. These fish cannot survive in natural environment, putting them in lake or pond will be more dangerous for their life. Actually they cannot live in such natural environment because here they have to eat garbage for their food and have to save themselves from other animals and big fish to keep themselves safe. pet life care blog.

how to tack care of an aquarium | aquarium tips for beginners

It is written by Mangala :

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Newborn Kitten Care Without Mother | How To Care Newborn Kittens | my pet cat


newborn kitten care without mother | how to care newborn kittens

Unfortunately when spring arrives and especially in summer it is relatively easy to find orphaned newborn kittens. But do you know how to care newborn kittens ?  what do you care that I feel so small? How to get it? Until he is two months old, his health and his life will depend entirely on the human who takes care of him. A human who must act as mother cat so that she is small and completes the desired eight weeks of age.

1 Before you start:

As this is not an easy task, new kitten care we have prepared this orphaned newborn kitten care guide. Before you start talking about care, you probably want to know how old she is, right? Well, 100% sure you can't know, but this may serve as a guide, to 1 week during these first days of life the kitten's eyes and ears will be closed. After 1 weeks, he will start to open his eyes, and will finish opening them after 14-17 days. At first they will be blue, but it will not be until 4 months that they acquire their final color. The ears will start to separate. pet life care blog .

2 Temperature :

the kitten will begin to walk to avoid obstacles and, yes, wobble a bit. At around 21 days, you will have learned to relieve yourself, and you will be able to control your body temperature. 4 weeks: At this age, her baby's teeth start coming in, so she can start eating solid food. After 6 weeks: During the second month of life the baby kitten learns to walk, run and jump. Its senses are at full capacity, but as the weeks pass, the animal must refine them. With two months it should stop giving mil

3 Depending on human :

 baby kittens are more dependent on a human than ever, they will need to receive heat 24 hours a day, eat every 2/3 hours, and excrete to relieve themselves. Will be So, it's hard work, but it's worth it, especially when the days go by and you see the baby kittens growing up.

 If you just got a few newborn kittens, I recommend putting them in a tall cardboard box (about 40 cm) and wide, although they are small now, they will not take long to crawl. Inside it put a blanket, a thermal bottle that you may have filled with warm water, and a second blanket prepared to cover the kittens so that they are well protected from drafts.

4 Baby Kitten :

During this time the baby will need to feed the kittens milk for kittens sold at pet stores or veterinary clinics (never with cow's milk, as it can make them sick) every 2 or in 3 hours. It is important that it is warm, at around 37ΒΊC, and that their body is in a horizontal position and not vertical, because otherwise the milk will go into the lungs and not the stomach, which will cause pneumonia and death within a few hours. , Of course, if they're fine and sleeping through the night, don't wake them up. You can feed them with a syringe (new ones, so they can suckle without problems) or with a bottle for kittens, which you can find for sale. pet life care blog .

5 Regulates :

 You may or may not want to do anything until it's at least three weeks old, which will be when it regulates its body temperature, or even slightly lowers it. Pass through vinegar and then dry it thoroughly. On the other hand, if you have several, there are veterinarians who recommend you to spray Frontline (from 3 days you can spray it), but if the kitten is less than a month old, you can opt for Bathe her with kitten shampoo, which is much less dangerous (look for one that's suitable for baby kittens).

read life care blog: How To Take Care Of A Kitty | Taking Care Of Kitten | Kitten feeding guide

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How To Keep Your Dog Happy | How To Take Care Of A Dog?

care your dog

how to keep your dog happy .  If you leave your pet dog alone at home, then you must know these 5 things. Pet care tips there are many families among us who have to leave their pet dog alone at home for a few hours even if they do not want to. If you also do this, then take care of some things.

Most pet parents blame themselves when it comes to leaving their pets at home alone. Most of us don't even have a choice other than this, whether to go to office, out of town or to a restaurant, we have to leave them alone at home even if we don't want no matter how much you want, you cannot go everywhere with your pets. So if you have to leave your lovely pet alone at home, there are a few things you should be take care of. pet life care blog .

1 Physical Activity :

When you take your dog for a walk in the morning, take them for a long walk or run around the park. Bring out their favorite toy and play fetch with them. Remember  physical activity is very important for your dog. It becomes necessary for them to use their energy. By tiring them out, they can sleep soundly throughout the day.

2 Lots Of Toys :

Leave lots of toys around the house for pets to distract them. Treat dispensing toys, chew toys or even a ball is sufficient. You can also leave out chew sticks for the dogs to reduce their anxiety and distract them. Leave the radio or TV on inside the house during the day. However, choose channels wisely, where relaxing music or talk shows are fine, and avoid channels with loud noises that may disturb dogs or cats. Don't keep the volume of the TV too loud.

3 Water And Food :

When you leave home, make sure you leave clean water and food for the pets. Keep the quantity of water good so that they do not have to remain thirsty throughout the day. Also leave dry food, so that they can eat when they are hungry. Before leaving the house, check the windows and doors. If anything is left open they can slip out and get into trouble. Apart from this, never leave the pet dog outside the house alone in the courtyard or garden.

4 Situation :

 Many dogs get restless when left alone. In such a situation, a dog sitter can also be kept for them, with whom they will not feel lonely and restless. Also, having a dog sitter will keep you less worried. You can also fit the camera inside the house. With this, you can see what your sweet belly is doing throughout the day. Whether he has eaten or not or how he is feeling in your absence. Apart from this, when you return home, take them for a walk. Take them for a walk in a park on a holiday. So that he should also be happy. pet life care blog .

5 Spend Time With Your Dog :

Spend time with your dog as much as possible, because they are gregarious animals if they are left for a long time, they start having mental problems. Moreover, the time you spend with your dog the better for you and your dog also, because you will notice that too will be mentally free and live happily ever.

It was written by : Mangala.

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How To Take Care Of A Kitty | Taking Care Of Kittena | pet care near me

Careofpetsblog  | taking care of a new kitten,  rainbow kitten surprise

Know these 5 important things before adopting a cat taking care of kitten If you are thinking of raising a cat for a long time, new kitten care then it is important that you know all the things related to this pet very well.

In today's time, petting is a common thing. Some keep them to overcome their loneliness and some to maintain their status. Whatever it is, most people make animals a part of their lives. Sometimes dogs, sometimes cats, sometimes birds become their family members, but nowadays people prefer to keep cats because their needs are less and they are not as loud as dogs. Cats are easier to tame than any other animal. If you are also planning to raise a cat, then before that you have to caring for kitten, make some such changes in your house like before the arrival of a new child. pet life care blog .

how to take care of a kitty | taking care of a kitten

1 Indoor :

Cat is a small indoor animal, once it is settled in the house, it does not need to go outside. Therefore, before bringing the cat into the house, prepare all the necessary things like cat food bowl, cleaning tools and potty litter box. Make arrangements for etc.

how to take care of a kitty | taking care of a kitten

2 Naughty :

Before bringing a cat home, make your house cat-proof. It is an animal that becomes a bit naughty when adjusted in the house and which can damage the expensive things in your house, so make the cat a family member. Before that make some necessary changes in the house. TV actress Debina Banerjee has special attachment with animals, know why?

how to take care of a kitty | taking care of a kitten

3 Regularly :

When the cat has excessive hair growth, trim them from time to time so that its extra hair does not give it discomfort. Brush its hair regularly because daily brushing will not cause hair fall. In this way, your house and expensive furniture will also be saved from getting dirty.

how to take care of a kitty | taking care of a kitten

4 Something wrong :

Cats love to drink milk, but did you know that milk can do something wrong with their stomach? That's why add 70% of its ratio of water to the milk fed to the cat so that it can digest it easily and your lovely cute cat will never be sad due to stomach disease.

how to take care of a kitty | taking care of a kitten

5 Activity :

Cats do not drink water but they become a little mischievous on seeing water because they like to play in water to hydrate their body. Provide fresh water for this activity and keep an eye on it while it is playing. Don't hurt yourself in the game. pet life care blog .

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How To Care Dog | How To Take Care Of A Dog | black dog

how to care dog | how to take care of a dog


If you have kept a dog, cat, rabbit or any other animal in your house, then you should be aware of everything, how to take care of a dog related to its needs and health.  So that your pets stay healthy and live a long life. With this you will also not have to spend much time and money on them.

1 Emotionally :

We all like to have pets.  It has been observed that the children of the house where there are pets are more emotionally strong.  They know how to care for others and appreciate other's emotions much more than other children of their age.  But raising a dog, cat or any other pet in the house means raising another child.  Because pets need care and love just like children. pet life care blog .

2 Take Care Of Its :

It is important to know this thing before taking stomach. If you already have a pet in your house, then after finding out about its breed, take care of its care and food according to its needs.  If you are thinking of bringing a dog, then we suggest that you adopt a dog of indigenous breed only.  Saying this because taking care of it is much easier than foreign breed dogs.

3 More Health In Less Care :

 If you bring a dog of indigenous breed, then you have to spend very little time to take care of it.  Because it is easy for him to live in this environment.  His immunity is according to the atmosphere here, so he will have less diseases here.  If he is less sick then you will have to take care of him less and also your budget will not be affected.  Because you will avoid trips to the veterinary doctor.

4 Do The Training :

 If you want your dog or other pet to obey you and have good behavior, then give him a few months of training with a pet trainer only when he is 3 to 4 months old.  Not only of behavior, you should also give training to your stomach for food and drink.  Whenever you want to feed something new to your stomach, first make it familiar with the smell of that food, then serve it in small quantities only.  So that you can know whether your stomach is liking this food or not.

5 Walking Should Be Like This : 

 To be a parent of a healthy pet, you need to know that having a dog, puppy, cat or rabbit alone is not enough.  Rather it is also important to know the tips to keep them healthy.  You should know that it is necessary for the stomach to walk on the rough surface. This keeps their nails trimmed naturally.

6 Personal Care Tips :

 While bathing the stomach, keep in mind that during this time water should not go in its ears.  For the care of his teeth i.e. dental care, definitely talk to your veterinary doctor and take tips about it .Also read: Take care of the diet of pets according to the season

7 When To Leave Alone :

 If you are leaving your dog or pet alone at home, play instrumental tunes or soft music for it.  If you want, you can also play your recorded voice and go.  This will make him feel like he is in your home and will remain calm. pet life care blog .

how to care dog | how to take care of a dog


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Dog Care Website (2023) Puppy | Dog | Cat | Kitty | jerman seaford dog puppy

dog care tips | how to care dog at home |

                                { How To Take Care Of Your Dog: Complete Information}

Dogs of indigenous breeds roaming in the streets and streets, which we count in the category of stray animals, how to care dog are the best as pets in terms of local environment and environment.  Because their disease resistance is better than foreign breed dogs, but people see them with inferiority complex.  While these loyalists can be adopted and given a place in the house.  This will also take good care of them and the name of this dumb person will also be cut from the list of stray animals.

1 Best Frind :

 For centuries the dog has been considered man's best friend. It is also true that when these dogs mixed with the human species become aggressive, they become a threat to humans.  In most cases, this situation comes when they come under the category of stray dogs.  When domesticated, they are seen as members of the household, whereas when stray, these dogs are seen with hatred.  According to the State Animal Cruelty Prevention Committee, these dogs of indigenous breed are considered better than foreign breeds when domesticated in the local environment.  Just as people consider it their pride to keep hybrid and cross-breeding foreign dogs, in the same way, dogs of indigenous breeds called street dogs can also be improved with good care and training.

 Killing stray dogs is not the solution to the problem.  They cannot even be killed under the rules.  It comes under the category of crime.  Therefore, there is also a solution to the problem that people who are fond of keeping dogs should adopt street dogs.  This will reduce the number of stray dogs.  Vaccination can prevent the dangers of diseases caused by dog ​​bites, but people are not aware of this.  NGOs can help in this work. pet life care blog .


2 Desi Dogs :

 Desi dogs prove to be better than foreign dogs.  Their biggest feature is that they are intelligent as well as loyal.  Their life span is more than foreign dogs and they easily adapt to every environment.  Their memory is very sharp, once they see someone, they do not forget them quickly.  Not only this, they have less diseases than foreign dogs and their immunity is very high.  The capacity to learn is also very high in them.  At the same time, foreign dogs are not able to feel comfortable in every environment.  Also, special care has to be taken for their maintenance.


 3 Specialty :

If we talk about indigenous dogs, then due to lack of interest of the people, their breed could not be developed much.  However, the Rampur Hound is considered to be the best breed of country dog.  It is said that the earlier kings used to keep this dog because it was not only loyal but it was very tall and tall.  Although they are of single body, but there is no addition to it in agility.  They run very fast and this breed is considered very good for hunting.  They are also masters in long jump.  Although dogs of this breed are now rarely found

Rajaprakasam Dog- Dogs of this breed are now almost extinct.  These are rarely seen.  Dogs of this breed are considered very loyal and affectionate.

4 Commonly :

Indian Parai Dog - Dogs of this breed are most commonly found in indigenous dogs. They are also called the breed of street dog. These are mostly found on the streets and roads. Their immunity is considered very good. Their special thing is that if they are left anywhere, they come back to their place in a few days.

Kanni Dog- Dogs of this breed are considered very clever. Their body is very stout. You can also keep them as your protector.

 Kombi Dog- These dogs are considered very powerful. Also, they are very aggressive and ferocious.  Along with this, there is a lot of activity in them.

Chippy Parai Dog- These dogs are considered very loyal, with this they like to be independent.  Its height is around 65 cm. Dogs of this breed are also found in very small numbers now.

 5 Why should adopt  a county dog?

Thanks to PM Narendra Modi, due to which the country is again turning towards its dogs, which is a very good thing in itself.  A few months ago, in his Mann Ki Baat program, he urged the country's security agencies like the Narcotics Control Bureau (NCB) to use native breed dogs instead of foreign breeds in their dog squad, taking forward the message of self-reliance. Following this advice, NCB recruited indigenous dogs in its army. pet life care blog .

6 Important tips : 

It is a very important decision which should be followed by all the citizens who keep dogs in the country.  Money-making racket is being run in the trade of dogs of foreign breeds like Alsatian and Labrador, in which male dogs are mated with their mother or her sister only, so that the puppies born are sold at expensive prices.  Such incest breeding gives birth to physical weakness in new generations.

In contrast, our domesticated dogs are a robust mix of several local breeds that live with us as healthy, loyal and loving companions.

It was written by: Mangala

dog care tips

( Pet Life Care Blog) 

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How To Care Kittens | Kitten Care Basics | Caring For Kittens |


how to care  kittens | kitten care basics

Cats can be an ideal pet because of their playful personalities, caring for kitten,
kitten care basics loving demeanor, and cute faces.  But, contrary to popular belief, cats need maintenance too!  To keep your cat healthy and happy, you'll need to learn how to care for your new furry friend and make sure he has the best life possible.

          1 Litter Box : 

Encourage your cat to use the litter box. Most cats prefer to keep the litter box in other parts      of the house because of the caring for kitten texture of the litter box. But, there are some steps      you need to take in order to use the litter box as the best bathroom spot. Place the box in a quiet  place where the cat will not be disturbed by people, dogs, or loud noises. To keep the litter box clean, make sure to scoop the litter daily and clean the box daily.  You can also replace or refresh the litter at least once a week if desired. Provide plenty of litter boxes for more than one cat.  If you have two cats, you will need to have litter boxes in different areas of the house.  One cat may try to prevent another direct cat from using a single box. pet life care blog .

          2 Choose The Place:

Make the litter box a comfortable place. Don't startle or disturb your cat when she uses the litter  box, or she will associate the box with a bad feeling and begin to avoid it.  Even if you have to spend a little more money, buy a bigger box.  Cats are more comfortable in a large (in area, not height) box.[3]Do not change the brand of your cat's litter, as cats do not like sudden changes. Changing from clay litter to a scoopable clumping type litter, or vice versa, can upset your cat so much that she'll stop using the box altogether. Don't use a litter with a strong scent, which may also deter your cat from using the litter box.

         3 Attention To The Need Of Your Pet :

Consider the needs of a young or old cat. Keep in mind that kittens and older cats with arthritis or other health problems may have trouble getting in or out of a box that is too high.  For cats that need special attention, use a low-height box in an easily accessible location, or use an adjustable litter box.


         4 Scratching Post : 
Provide the cat with a scratching post. Scratching posts are a normal part of cat behavior and there is no way you can stop them from doing so.  If your cat still has claws, she'll need a scratching post or two to keep her from scratching furniture, woodwork, and more.  By giving him a post, you  are giving the cat a means to engage in normal, healthy behavior.

         5 Cars Aur Very Curious :

Keep the cat from hiding or going to places she isn't allowed to go. Cats are very curious and will jump on counters or any other places you don't want them to go.  The scat mat, misting it periodically with water from a spray bottle, or even saying a loud "no" can help correct this behavior.  With time and patience, you can be successful in keeping your cat away from safe areas. You can also use a rattle can (an empty soda can filled with some rocks and the top open  with tape).  Gently toss it on the ground to dislodge the cat from the resting place.  Don't throw  the can at the cat, it could hurt your cat.

         6 Pheromone Products :
Consider using feline pheromone products. These products, which fill the air with soothing synthetic pheromones, come in the form of a spray or diffuser that plugs into an electrical outlet. These can help with litter box or scratching issues and have been shown to be effective in calming an upset or irritated cat. pet life care blog .

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   It is written by Mangala :     

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Pet Care At Home | Home Pet Care | Kitten Care Tips | Caring For Kitten | rainbow kitten surprise

How to pet care at home | kitten care tips

 Know these 5 kitten care tips important things before adopting a cat if you are think in  raising a cat for a longtime, then it is important that you know caring for kitten all the things related to this pet very well, kitten feeding guide .

    1 Happiness:

In today's time, petting is a common thing. Some keep them to overs loneliness and some to maintain their status. Whatever it is, most people make anima a  part   of  their lives. Sometimes dogs, sometimes cats, sometimes birds become their family  members, but nowadays people prefer to keep cats because their  needs are less and they are not as loud as dogs.  Cats are easier to tame than any other  animal. If you are also planning to raise a cat, then before that you have to make some such changes in your house like before the arrival of a new child. pet life care blog .

     2 Settle in the hours :

 Cat is a small indoor animal, once it is settled in the house, it does not need to go outside. Therefore, before bringing the cat into the house, prepare all the necessary  things like cat food bowl, cleaning tools and potty litter box.  Make arrangements for etc.

     3 Naughty:

 Before bringing a cat home, make your house cat-proof. It is an animal that becomes a bit naughty when adjusted in the house and which can damage the expensive things in your house, so make the cat a family member.  Before that make some necessary changes in the house.  TV actress Debina Banerjee has special attachment with  animals, know why?

     4 Hair Growth:

When the cat has excessive hair growth, trim them from time to time so that its extra hair does not give it discomfort.  Brush its hair regularly because daily brushing will not cause hair fall. In this way, your house and expensive furniture will also be saved from getting dirty. Also read: Patralekha is an animal lover, wants to build shelters for street animals.

     5 Eye Care :

 Keep an eye on water activities do not drink water but they become little mischievous on seeing water because they like to play in water to hydrate their body. For this activity arrange fresh water for her and keep an eye on her while she is playing. Don't hurt yourself in the game. pet life care blog .


pet care at home | home pet care |  kitten care tips

read life care blog: How To Care Kittens | Kitten Care Basics | Caring For Kittens |

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By Pet Life Care Blog | Jun 24. 2023 | Blogger

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{pet life care blog}


Did you recently adopt a new cat ? wow congratulations! this is very good news. but how to take care of kitty if your new to cat ownership,  you may know how you can best care of your kitty.

Cat Care Step 1:

To begin, you need to get supplies for your pet. Basics Include:

1: Cat food and water

2: Food bowls

3: Cat post or tree

4: Cat bed

5: Nail clipper, brush

6: Cat formulated toothpaste and toothbrush

7: Coller with identification tags

8: Various scratch pads

9: Toys (don't forget the catnip)

10: Carrier

Cat Care Step 2: 

Set your kitty up with a wellness appointment. choose a low stress cat carrier and use these, this meeting with your veterinarian will determine a baseline  of health for your  cat. we can start them on a vaccination. parasite prevention program. for your kitty's you may need to came back in a few days for booster shots. veterinarian will recommend you to the right diet for your kitten. pet life care blog .

Cat Care Step 3:

Consider your wee buddy like you would a toddler, this mins examining everything in the home for potential problems. secure all windows and doors, sweep floors and remove anything that might be appealing to your pet, such as small items that can be ingested. limit the use of noxious chemicals including cleaning products and toilet bowl cleaners.

Cat Care Step 4:

  Recommended diet and portion size for your feline. choose schedule for feeding your kitty each day, and stick to stay this routine as much as possible. encroage your cat stay hydrated by changing the water bowls dailly or using a watre fountein type of bowl.

hot to care kitten | how to take care of kitty

Cat Care Step 5:

your pet can be particular about their litterboxes, you'll want to be familiar with many of the most common litterbox challenges and how to address them and get familiar with how to deal with kitten pee accidents. 

Car Care Step 6: 

Enrichment and exercise, because kitty spend most of their lives indoors. it is important to offer behavioral enrichment so that cat doesn't become bored. 

cars love to look out of the window, and adding a birds feeder is a great idea. time spent brushing your kitty. including those that require interaction from your. if you want to get ambition cations or outdoor spaces for your cat, it is are awesome ways to give your kitty some fresh air while keeping them safe.

Cat Care Step 7:

Cats behavior problem, docile ball of fur may develop behavior  issues, especially if you add another kitty. if your kitten rust at every visitor or loud noise you need to may help to socialize a shy cats. or may be have the opposite problem and have a kitty that is a bully. your kitten may become stressed and need your help in getting calm. pet life care blog .

hot to care kitten | how to take care of kitty

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What Not to Feed? Baby food /Too Much Milk causes loose/watery feces - Raw Eggs causes hair fall & poor hair coa t - Onion and Garlic ...